Nov 9, 2020

Fujifilm XT4 for Real Estate Photography

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

I have recently added the latest FujiFilm XT4 to my camera bag for my Real Estate Photography business here on the Central Coast NSW Australia. Having just sold my first Fujifilm camera the XT2, i am now using both the XT3 and the XT4. With both cameras sharing the same processers I can reliably grab either camera when on-site to get consistent imagery across all my photoshoots.

fujifilm Xt4 for real estate photography

When shooting on a tripod both cameras perform identically, allowing me to take bracketing shots of a scene up to 7 images. The XT4 has a new HDR mode but I haven't yet seen a huge benefit of this mode as it looks to apply a small crop factor when enabled.

The big advantages of the XT4 come into play when I am required to shoot video and the main reason I upgraded.

Advantages of XT3 over XT3 for real estate Video

1) IBS in body stabilization, IBS in the camera was something that I really missed when leaving Olympus for Fujifilm, for images it wasn't much of an issue, but for video even on a gimbal having the extra boost of in-camera stabilisation is huge. Using the FujiFilm XT4 with the weebil S has radically increased the quality of my footage.

fujifilm Xt4 for real estate

When it comes to the lens I use for real estate photography Fuji XF 10-24mm is the essential lens for Real Estate Photography, just updated with a new version that offers better water sealing.

Fujinon XF 10-24mm: for Real Estate

But I use around 5 different lenses in total for all my Real estate work, blog here


Using fujifilm XT4 for Real Estate Images


Quick roundup, if you are shooting images along, get the excellent Fujifilm xt3 but if you are shooting video or planning too, the XT4 is the logical choice in 2020 and 2021.

Photography for Real Estate with FujiFilm X
